Learning The Marvel Way 3 - Figures by myself

Yup... Quality drop...
I spent some time to draw figures without any help. Despite the fact that they are not too great, I must say that they are still much better than what would have been excepted from me not that long ago...

On the picture above you see the worst Cap ever. I think there are all the mistakes you can have: very stiff posture, wrong anatomies, dumb face. Same applies to the Human Torch (if you even recognised him), who doesn't seem like someone who is laying there unconscious at all. Too stiff, ugly hands, ugly feet etc...
Even though Spiderman was drawn first, he looks actually quite believable. It's because his pose is quite similar to the one I copied (in previous post), so I had a lot of reference. Still I think he is stiff, and somehow this punch he is performing looks very fake and weak.
The 2 thing I am quite happy with though, is first, that their ratios are mostly okay, and second, is that I could place them next to each other in the same size, and could 'compose' who will be where. This second thing is something I always had difficulties with before, especially with larger and more detailed figures. This is all because of the fact that nowadays I start with a stick figure first.

Here I drew Iron Man without help. He looks somehow already better than the others above... He is not stiff at all - he really seems to run for it! I am still not happy with the details though (hands, feet etc...)
Next to him is J. J. Jameson. He looks pretty cool, but unfortunately this has been copied from the internet. The only special thing about him, that I sketched the stick figure and made the fleshing out myself.
