Comics on the company blog #1

CSS with Internet Explorer

At my company, a few of us gathered up and talked about introducing webcomics on the company techblog. I was very happy for being invited to such a task: looks like tattooing the whiteboards has its benefits.
Naturally the comic topics should be about technical stuff too (I am working in software development)
So the first idea I came up with was something about Internet Explorer, and it's 'special ways' of handling CSS.
Here is the sketch:

I noticed that I use perspective much better than before. The Book I am currently studying does have an influence! This gave me more power to make nice (and not out of sync) backgrounds, and to put some drama in the last picture with a little worms-eye-view.

Then I scanned it in, and inked it with Sketchbook Pro. At a first try I tried to use a marker tool to colour it, to give it a more hand coloured feeling. It was really not worth the effort. It just takes a lot of time, and not too much added value. Next time I just use these markers for shading or something...
For the last panel I stole the colouring patterns from Lucky Luke. If you're familiar with the comic, you might have noticed that people are often just completely coloured to green, red, blue depending on their feelings, or the tension of a given situation. I really find it a nice tool, it gives some extra boost for the pictures.

The second time I just did the colouring job with the filler, which took like tenth the time. I also used less strong colours for the background. I asked my girlfriend for a review. She really liked it except for the last panel. According to her the yellow background and the pink text balloon is just too much. I agreed and reduced the yellowness only to the window, and filled up the rest with grey. This time it became much nicer to the eye, and also more dramatic.
CSS with Internet Explorer
