Comics on the company blog #2

So here is the second one.

With one of my colleagues we wrote the text, then I made a quick stick figure sketch. After that I fleshed out the whole thing, and did the inking and colouring in SketchBook Pro. It has been published on (25 April, 2017)

I started using a nice (and free) comic font called Back Issues.
I wanted to emphasize some words in the text, but unfortunately SketchBook was not doing it.
One thing that was starting to be frustrating for me was inking with my digital pen (old Wacom Bamboo). I am just unable to make nice curves with it. If you take a closer look, you will see that my lines (especially curves) are not too smooth...
I think the hardware itself is all right, so I started looking for some drivers on their site. I read on forums that drivers back from 2011 were the ones which did the trick, but unfortunately drivers older than 2015 did not run on my Mac OS El Capitain.
So I have 2 options:

  • Get a new digital pen
  • Or try to ink on paper, and just do the colouring digitally
I decided to give a go for option 2. I find it more relaxing to work without staring at a monitor (I do that at work enough). So I think I will have some posts later how that is working out.
