Urban Sketch 1

Whenever I just want to browse around available artist instructional books, I always visit parkablogs. I like this page because it has all the books (only art related) which counts on nowadays market. With a brief review, snapshot and a video where he flips through the whole book, Parka helps me a lot to orientate. He is also an excellent sketcher and he also shares a lot of his arts when he is testing artist supplies. Because of that, I got also interested in urban sketching, but I did not plant to start with it yet.
Plans changed all of a sudden. Not that long ago, I began to look for meet-ups on meetup.com. Very fast I got myself into in a meet up where we gather in a square in Den Haag, and sketch.
So I saw it's time to start practice. Went to the artist supplies shop, and got myself a nice sketchbook and a nice Van Gogh watercolour tin-box (read review by parka here).
For practice, I made a photo of the sight visible from our rooftop (the uglier side). And then I copied it. Here is the result:

For my first urban sketch, I am very happy with it!
First I outlined the basic places where the basic elements are (brick wall/balcony on the left, the garages, and the lines of the houses), then I just started sketching with a fineliner.
At the end I coloured it with my new watercolour set. Actually with the colours, I am not super-happy, but hey, I haven't used watercolours since elementary school (and then I was not really thought how to use it correctly either.)
On the meet up itself I couldn't finish my sketch on the spot, so I made a photo and I finish it home later. I will upload when it's done.
